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Campaigns | Craftsmanship

An intentionally minimalist aesthetic and exceptional Japanese craftsmanship align in this exquisite design series.

13 Min Reading

NLY is rooted in understated elegance, simplicity, and meticulous attention to detail. Stripped of any branding, the collection is made for those in the know and solely features the Oliver Peoples symbols. Crafted in Japan, where the concept of zero centers on shape rather than number, this collection celebrates the positive concept of emptiness. The series introduces four new acetate styles - all characterized by a minimalist design ethos that places paramount importance on the quality of detail. Subtle custom elements, including faceted hinges and an engraved temple stamping, are unique features designed for the wearer. The collection is commitment to minimalism in every aspect, from acetate colors to frame details, style names, and dedicated packaging.

N. 03 is defined by a keyhole bridge and square lens shape.
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N. 03 is defined by a keyhole bridge and square lens shape.

The series introduces four brand new acetate styles that exemplify the NLY philosophy. Each frame is characterized by a unique design that adheres to the principles of minimalism while highlighting the importance of detail. N.01, presents an intellectual shape with a keyhole bridge, catering to a wide range of facial structures. N. 02 offers both optical and sunglass versions, featuring an ultra - thin acetate frame and a distinctive bridge. Lastly, N. 03, is an acetate optical distinguished by an authentic vintage-inspired aesthetic.

N. 03 is seen in Kuri Brown + Green Wash.
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N. 03 is seen in Kuri Brown + Green Wash.

N. 01 in Soft Olive Bark pairs with N. 02 Sencha.

The signature colors of NLY are dark, solid acetate tones. Classic black, along with the introduction of new shades such as Hanada Indigo and Kuri Brown, exemplifies the collection's commitment to minimalism. These opaque colors serve to emphasize the design's form without interruption from the inner frame structure, in harmony with the minimalist NLY design philosophy.

N.02 featured in Hanada Indigo + Sea Mist.
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N.02 featured in Hanada Indigo + Sea Mist.

NLY seamlessly combines the beauty of minimalist design with the timeless style that characterizes Oliver Peoples. With its roots in Japanese craftsmanship and a commitment to thoughtful, understated detail, this collection represents a unique blend of aesthetics and functionality, redefining eyewear for the discerning wearer.

The clean, timeless design of N. 01 is shown in Atago Tortoise.
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The clean, timeless design of N. 01 is shown in Atago Tortoise.

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"NLY seamlessly combines the beauty of minimalist design with the timeless style that characterizes Oliver Peoples."

0NLY seamlessly combines the beauty of minimalist design with the timeless style that characterizes Oliver Peoples.
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N. 02 Sun exhibits minimalist details with a vintage inspired shape.

N2 0nly preview

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PHOTOS: Zoey Grossman
VIDEO: Michael Rizzi

Styles featured: